Friday, August 17, 2007

Go ahead, laugh

Left: The members of Team 7, left to right, Blanca Torres, Kevin Abourezk and Salvador Hernandez.

From the minute we laid eyes on each other, we laughed. I somehow ended up on Team 7, a group of three journalists who had a perpetual case of the giggles. We couldn't explain it. We just laughed.

Our assignment was to create an informative video about the online seminar. The result was really just a mismash of bloopers and some talk of the skills we've learned. Our experience taping was full of errors like forgetting to record entire interviews, stopping a subject mid-interview to tack on a microphone and taking shaky pane shots. We sat down to edit and realized our main interview video was botched by a distracting computer screen in the background.

After viewing our end product, our colleagues said we our team was thinking outside the box. They said our project was creative, funny and managed to tell a story. Who says journalism can't be personal, funny and inventive? I have stayed in journalism as long as I have because it keeps me entertained. It should be fun. It should be interesting. It should leave readers and viewers with a happy feeling at the end.

Go ahead, laugh and make them laugh, too.

~Blanca Torres

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