Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My first post-seminar video

So, yesterday I reported on a local woman who is going to receive a Habitat for Humanity house that's being built by college students. While reporting, I also recorded the group while they worked.

The whole process took just a few hours. I used a number of the quotes from the video in my story. I was on deadline, so I didn't have enough time to edit the video on my own. I still want to try my hand at editing, but first I have to master recording.

Here is a link to the video.

-- Marquita Brown

1 comment:

Ralph said...

Dear Students,

I would like to present you our new Journalism site for the Hispanics called www.NotiBreve.com . We are focusing on Journalism schools located in the USA and Latin America. If your school is not on our list, please email me at rfortuny@notibreve.com. We have 10 programmers working 14 hours a day on the site. If you have any ideas that we could add to the site, please let me know. Thank you in advance for your help. BTW..We are getting a good amount of response from the Presidential Candidates. Seem like the Hispanic vote is important this time around :)

-Ralph Fortuny